11.   Under UN resolutions, Ekeus must certify that Iraq has dismantled or accounted for all of its weapons of mass destruction before the crippling oil embargo can be lifted.

12.   UN resolutions provide for a crippling oil embargo to remain in place until UNSCOM certifies that Iraq has dismantled or accounted for all of its weapons of mass destruction.

13.   Under UN resolutions, a crippling oil embargo can only be lifted when Iraq has complied with the UN disarmament requirements.

14.   Iraq sees the report as decisive in its bid to win a lifting of the crippling oil and trade sanctions imposed after it invaded Kuwait.

15.   Only when Iraq complies with UN disarmament requirements can a crippling oil embargo be lifted.

16.   Paris welcomed Thursday the US decision to lift objections to a UN oil-for-food deal to end the crippling oil embargo against Iraq.

17.   Paris welcomed Thursday the US decision to lift objections to a UN oil-for-food deal temporarily to ease the crippling oil embargo against Iraq.

18.   Saleh said Iraq had fulfilled UN disarmament conditions for the total lifting of the crippling oil embargo.

19.   Since the invasion Iraq has been subjected to crippling UN oil and trade sanctions and its weapons industry has come under UN and international scrutiny.

20.   The country is also under a crippling oil embargo imposed after the Kuwait invasion.

a. + oil >>共 628
heating 7.65%
iraqi 5.23%
major 3.13%
cooking 2.92%
foreign 2.81%
state 2.53%
higher 2.19%
international 2.12%
russian 2.10%
offshore 1.56%
crippling 0.16%
crippling + n. >>共 244
sanction 18.58%
strike 8.31%
blow 3.61%
disease 3.17%
embargo 3.06%
effect 2.84%
oil 2.19%
crisis 2.08%
debt 1.64%
blockade 1.64%
每页显示:    共 20