11.   The crew has also managed to restart the oxygen generator.

12.   The giant sail billowed and blew forward like a ghost on the run, but the crew managed to bring it back and get underway with proper sail shape.

13.   The shuttle crew managed a similar observation of the Italian satellite late last week.

14.   The shuttle crew managed to retrieve it, even though the power loss caused it to slowly spin.

15.   With a little more maneuvering, its crew managed to bring it alongside the cruiser, but it was a precarious spot.

16.   After working around the clock to save a crippled oil rig, crews managed to keep its massive platform from sinking on Sunday, oil company officials said.

17.   American officials believe Chinese experts gleaned secrets from the plane, although the crew apparently managed to destroy the most sensitive information.

18.   As a result of the talks, the Bush administration believes the crew managed to destroy some of the intelligence information on the plane, the official said.

19.   Before plunging into the sea, the crew managed to make radio contact with the airport in Adler on the Russian Black Sea coast.

20.   But before the power went down, the crew managed to radio a call for help that was picked up by the Grove, the coastguard said.

n. + manage >>共 1132
company 4.28%
government 2.21%
team 2.16%
police 1.79%
man 1.74%
people 1.74%
pilot 1.46%
crew 1.27%
group 1.25%
woman 1.22%
crew + v. >>共 983
be 12.57%
have 4.75%
work 2.99%
try 1.70%
say 1.70%
arrive 1.61%
begin 1.60%
plan 1.23%
continue 1.17%
take 1.17%
manage 0.79%
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