11.   Most countries will not send their hard-bitten World Cup stars, but the United States will send Alexi Lalas, Kasey Keller and Claudio Reyna.

12.   No country will be sending an official delegation, he said.

13.   On occasion both countries sent troops across the border to help secure a strip of the eastern part of the country, U.S. government officials say.

14.   Placements determine how many skaters a country can send to the next Worlds.

15.   Quick, which countries are sending troops to Bosnia to help enforce the Balkan peace plan?

16.   President Boris Yeltsin of Russia had already suggested that the eight countries send anti-terrorist units to assist the Fujimori government.

17.   Some countries send videos of the children, which can offer a great deal of information about developmental issues, she said.

18.   Sugier said several countries were finally sending female athletes for the first time, including Iran and Pakistan.

19.   The basic question here is whether this country sends a signal of welcoming newcomers or shutting them out.

20.   The country has sent its military forces abroad in support of allies and to protect national interests in other regions.

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