11.   One way for the IMF to discourage reckless lending is to be vague about which countries would qualify for financial support, he said.

12.   Since both countries will qualify for the competition automatically as hosts, one of their Asian neighbors will be deprived of a place in the field.

13.   Some all-stars have come through an established club system, like Sue Smith of England, whose country did not qualify for the World Cup.

14.   The decision on which countries qualify will be made, probably in London, in May.

15.   The finance ministers sought to give fresh momentum to the single-currency plan in the face of growing evidence that few if any countries will qualify on time.

16.   The government still expects the country to qualify to adopt the euro, he said.

17.   The same countries qualified under both sets of statistics.

18.   The tricky part is judging which countries qualify and, over time, measuring whether they are making good use of their aid.

19.   Though Ghana is known for the high skill level of its players, the country has never qualified for the World Cup finals.

20.   U.K. Prime Minister John Major expressed doubts that enough countries will qualify for the single currency for it to go ahead on schedule.

n. + qualify >>共 475
team 12.89%
winner 3.87%
country 3.79%
group 2.37%
nation 1.58%
three 1.50%
candidate 1.34%
victory 1.26%
people 1.19%
player 1.19%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
qualify 0.17%
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