11.   The omission will have little direct impact on Korea, although the country would prefer to remain on the list, he said.

12.   This country prefers a voluntary approach, with companies joining organizations like TrustE, a nonprofit group that sets privacy standards for Internet firms.

13.   Without that power, they say, other countries might prefer to leave the United States out of trade agreements rather than see them subjected to congressional tinkering.

14.   Boutros-Ghali noted that some, unspecified countries prefer that the United Nations command the Eastern Slavonia force.

15.   Col. D.J. Mead, the Australian Defense Attache, said his country prefers to provide ambulances, generators and other equipment to help Cambodia develop its own medical infrastructure.

16.   Donor countries would prefer to use the Global Environment Facility, an institution that finances projects improving the environment for the transfer of money.

17.   For years, European countries preferred to buy bananas, sugar and other products from their former colonies in the Caribbean, the Pacific and Africa.

18.   He said his country prefers pressuring Iraq to comply with U.N. resolutions, including accepting a return of weapons inspectors.

19.   Many countries prefer to receive U.S. aid of this nature quietly, although the Philippines lately are a notable exception.

20.   Asian countries prefer to engage Burma in quiet diplomacy, fearing isolation could help lead to its fragmentation like Yugoslavia, threatening the stability of the region.

n. + prefer >>共 748
people 7.36%
company 3.43%
investor 3.40%
official 1.79%
woman 1.68%
voter 1.54%
government 1.51%
consumer 1.40%
most 1.23%
man 1.19%
country 0.81%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
prefer 0.08%
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