11.   The control room is walled off by soundproof glass.

12.   Showing members of his family the complexities of the main control room is who works in the Basket Handling Cave area.

13.   I went down to the studio floor from the control room and Michael was very upset at having-to do it again.

14.   Operators change shifts in the new control room at the heart of the mill.

15.   Poor had been trying to remove this panel in the control room when we appeared and was surrounded by contractors trying to get in to start redecoration.

16.   He took a keen interest in the new bulk outloading and intake system and is pictured in the new control room with north west regional director and intake operator.

17.   A door opened automatically and they entered a huge control room.

18.   When it detects a significant change in one of the parameters, it faxes a message to the nearest NRA regional control room.

19.   In this case the offender was caught within minutes, his movements watched from a central control room a mile away.

20.   Today the control room which has been buzzing with activity for the past fortnight is empty, most travellers have now left the area.

n. + room >>共 844
hotel 22.86%
conference 6.24%
weight 3.61%
control 3.04%
hospital 2.73%
guest 2.70%
dorm 2.56%
motel 2.07%
interview 1.98%
engine 1.74%
control + n. >>共 679
system 10.04%
room 5.68%
center 5.19%
group 5.15%
panel 2.79%
problem 2.34%
freak 2.24%
board 2.20%
measure 2.06%
treaty 1.75%
每页显示:    共 287