11.   Many boards give raises even in bad years and allow the executives to control much of their contract language.

12.   One source suggested that contract language had to be finalized.

13.   One official said lawyers were still working on contract language.

14.   That issue may become central to any legal action the studio pursues against Paramount, because Fox executives said the contract language was clear on that point.

15.   The CWA and IBEW are seeking contract language that would allow them to use card check neutrality agreements.

16.   The two sides agreed to meet again after their lawyers review proposed contract language, port spokeswoman Julia Nagano said.

17.   The union says the company refused to respond to requests for contract language that would protect striking and picketing workers from job loss.

18.   The vote ended a day of discussions between district lawyers and Demps over contract language.

19.   They are seeking looser contract language on work practices and are proposing wage plans that offer some alternatives to the traditional hourly wage and benefits packages.

20.   They also blame Zagami for a letter of intent that amended the contract language to allow for the change.

n. + language >>共 263
computer 12.54%
compromise 4.79%
minority 4.65%
contract 4.08%
markup 3.10%
ballot 2.68%
platform 2.25%
abortion 1.97%
treaty 1.41%
software 1.41%
contract + n. >>共 557
extension 15.42%
talk 8.55%
negotiation 8.55%
dispute 6.76%
offer 4.09%
killing 3.21%
worker 2.57%
agreement 2.38%
proposal 1.86%
term 1.79%
language 0.56%
每页显示:    共 29