11.   The shrieks continued at irregular intervals as the creature walked the woods.

12.   The strange metallic noises continued at intervals, whenever he was in a position to hear them.

13.   In turn Mazowiecki argued that the reforms should be continued at a cautious pace which would minimize damage to the social and economic fabric.

14.   These intermediate times show very clearly that all modes apart from the cycle had periods of fast or slow movement, whereas the bike continued at a consistent pace.

15.   Meanwhile, production amidst all the changes continues at full tilt.

16.   Development of new ranges has also continued at a considerable pace.

17.   Police harassment and brutality towards the Black community in Tottenham continues at a shameful level.

18.   Loretta refused with a laugh, and they continued at a more sedate pace.

19.   This phase will only be entered if no errors were detected during the prepass phase and the user has selected to continue at the end of the prepass phase.

20.   I could continue at great length.

v. + at >>共 990
speak 2.35%
hold 2.19%
be 2.14%
say 1.77%
stay 1.61%
meet 1.58%
stop 1.50%
appear 1.42%
remain 1.34%
sit 1.33%
continue 0.39%
continue + p. >>共 73
in 16.17%
to 12.87%
with 9.84%
for 8.93%
through 7.09%
as 6.30%
into 6.00%
on 5.26%
until 3.96%
at 3.55%
每页显示:    共 602