11.   It contacted members of Congress, who signed letters requesting her release.

12.   It is spending less on broadcast advertisements and more on contacting members individually.

13.   James said she would contact committee members to try and persuade them to reconsider.

14.   Officials were contacting family members Thursday.

15.   Officials declined to release any names until all family members have been contacted.

16.   Pakistani officials said that after the story appeared, they contacted members of the guerrilla group and were satisfied that the account was accurate.

17.   Pleas and his partner, Peter Fierro, said they are tracing the records of donors, contacting family members and collecting information to fill in the gaps.

18.   Police said at the time that Bopape had escaped while being driven to another location, but he never contacted family members, and he was never found.

19.   Prosecutors believe Restrepo contacted cartel members in New York to plot the shooting.

20.   Schumaker declined to comment on the possible exhumations Tuesday, but said BCI officials were in the process of contacting family members of the former patients.

v. + member >>共 634
include 6.76%
arrest 3.73%
kill 3.60%
have 3.22%
meet 2.03%
appoint 1.73%
say 1.34%
recruit 1.32%
lose 1.28%
expel 1.13%
contact 0.48%
contact + n. >>共 535
police 7.90%
official 4.64%
authority 4.27%
company 3.67%
family 3.56%
member 1.83%
relative 1.76%
office 1.68%
lawyer 1.65%
people 1.65%
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