11.   And getting consumers to spend is the whole point of the exercise.

12.   Analysts attributed the expected drop-off in growth to a tax increase imposed in April, which has depressed consumer spending.

13.   And consumer spending fell, leading many economists to declare the country to be in a full-blown recession.

14.   And if consumer spending revives, as it shows signs of doing, analysts said the Federal Reserve could decide to cool the economy by raising interest rates.

15.   And whether consumers will spend even that small windfall is far from certain.

16.   And with home starts falling nine straight months, consumers are spending less on air conditioners, washers and other household items, the stores said.

17.   And yet, online news consumers are spending more time with the large national sites.

18.   Annable said that consumers may be spending significantly more than the installment figures showed.

19.   Any sign of strength from retailers has been rewarded, because consumers are spending less and overall clothes sales have been sluggish.

20.   Are consumers spending less because many of them have lost money, at least on paper?

n. + spend >>共 1526
consumer 4.10%
government 4.08%
company 3.72%
people 3.22%
team 1.79%
family 1.74%
student 1.42%
man 1.38%
president 1.31%
official 1.31%
consumer + v. >>共 871
be 13.85%
have 5.42%
spend 4.08%
buy 3.55%
pay 2.57%
want 2.14%
get 1.80%
see 1.56%
continue 1.56%
take 1.46%
每页显示:    共 361