11.   Dick Sears, a consulting aeronautical engineer with Aviation Partners Inc. at Boeing Field, said such swirling air can be a produced by even a small aircraft.

12.   He served as a consulting engineer for more than five decades, helping companies such as the Ford Motor Co. to develop new technologies.

13.   Kip Davis, a consulting engineer for both the city of Camilla and Mitchell County, was drafted to coordinate the volunteer efforts.

14.   Ms. Altschul, with the help of consulting engineers, essentially took a flexible circuit, which forms the innards of many cell phones today, and elongated it.

15.   Throughout, he maintained a private practice as a consulting engineer.

16.   Two consulting mining engineers hired last month by Delgratia said that the testing was conducted by Robert Harlan Gunnison, in Phoenix.

17.   Two consulting mining engineers hired last month by Delgratia to monitor its operations said that the testing was conducted by Robert Harlan Gunnison in Phoenix.

18.   Two consulting mining engineers hired last month by Delgratia to monitor its operations told Bloomberg News that the testing was conducted by Robert Harlan Gunnison in Phoenix.

19.   Weiss became a consulting engineer when he realized the difficulty of making living as an inventor.

20.   Pharaoh Metals Corp. said Thursday it had stepped up its plans to establish gold mines in Egypt by appointing consulting engineers Fluor Daniel to undertake pre-feasibility studies.

a. + engineer >>共 455
structural 5.33%
chief 4.60%
former 3.57%
aerospace 2.59%
military 2.59%
russian 2.43%
american 2.38%
retired 2.17%
sound 2.07%
mining 1.86%
consulting 1.40%
consulting + n. >>共 189
firm 37.36%
company 10.69%
service 8.38%
business 7.55%
work 5.02%
fee 2.49%
contract 2.44%
group 2.12%
engineer 1.24%
practice 1.01%
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