11.   At the time of writing there is a plan to merge these two exchanges to create a single London financial derivatives market, and we consider its implications.

12.   The real usefulness of these studies comes, though, when the global implications are considered.

13.   A tenant should ensure that it is made aware of such an agreement so that it can consider the implications of it.

14.   The conference enabled voluntary organisations who attended to consider the implications of the review for them and their work.

15.   Although unemployment remained and the problems of the Distressed Areas grew worse, the politically active were increasingly forced to consider the implications of European fascism.

16.   Both suspended their bids while U.K. regulatory authorities considered the implications of a potential merger but a ruling issued late last month allowed them to proceed.

17.   Both suspended their bids while regulatory authorities considered the implications of a potential merger.

18.   Congress needs time to consider the implications of reforming affirmative action programs, Johnson press aide Lisa Pelosi said.

19.   Later, the conversation turns to the news that scientists have cloned a sheep, causing Stern to consider the implications for him.

20.   Now I need to take a drag just to consider the implications of the latest action by the fourth branch of government, the lawsuit branch.

v. + implication >>共 119
have 66.64%
discuss 3.32%
consider 3.17%
carry 2.72%
understand 2.72%
study 1.51%
examine 1.13%
deny 0.98%
hold 0.91%
reject 0.83%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
implication 0.28%
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