11.   Course modules in Forestry Curriculum and Syllabus and Training Course Design Management and Evaluation are considered essential.

12.   Course modules in Innovation and Extension and Farming Systems Research are considered essential.

13.   Course modules in Principles of Human Ecology, Management of Sustainable Resources, and Ecological Ethics and Education are considered essential.

14.   Course modules in Techniques of Resource Management and Human Resource Management are considered essential.

15.   Course modules in Management of Rural Machinery and Cultivation Methodology are considered essential.

16.   Course modules in Fundamentals of Tree Improvement and Breeding Strategies and Programme Development are considered essential.

17.   Positioning was validated fluoroscopically in six subjects, with no adjustment of tube required, and fluoroscopy was therefore not considered essential in subsequent subjects.

18.   Postcoding saddles, a service which is provided free by the police, is considered essential.

19.   Although it is quite common to see working-class men drinking raki, many intellectuals also consider it essential to provocative discussion and debate.

20.   Although the disease is rare, prevention is considered essential because endocarditis can be fatal or cause devastating complications, including destruction of the heart valves and stroke.

v. + essential >>共 15
consider 63.60%
deem 13.81%
make 8.79%
think 3.35%
call 2.51%
find 2.09%
believe 1.26%
declare 1.26%
see 0.84%
assume 0.42%
consider + a. >>共 1819
unlikely 2.67%
likely 2.56%
crucial 2.26%
important 2.22%
dangerous 2.12%
essential 1.86%
lucky 1.75%
safe 1.62%
serious 1.34%
close 1.21%
每页显示:    共 151