11.   This sometimes causes delays in marketing that particularly irritate the pharmaceutical industry, which contributes heavily to Republicans and conservative advocacy groups.

12.   Manion is with the American Center for Law and Justice, a conservative advocacy group founded by religious broadcaster Pat Robertson.

a. + advocacy >>共 170
environmental 6.13%
nonprofit 5.03%
patient 4.81%
liberal 3.72%
public 3.50%
political 3.50%
national 3.28%
hispanic 2.84%
private 2.84%
conservative 2.63%
conservative + n. >>共 672
government 5.15%
group 4.79%
party 2.98%
leader 2.57%
opposition 2.30%
politician 1.79%
candidate 1.74%
coalition 1.62%
commentator 1.56%
lawmaker 1.43%
advocacy 0.11%
每页显示:    共 12