11.   But no witness connected the two directly to the bomb or described a confession.

12.   But while there was opposition to Republican plans on Medicare and taxes, the poll did not suggest that Democrats had succeeded greatly in connecting the two.

13.   Call forwarding might have connected the two of you immediately, but it would also send through all those nuisance calls that a secretary would have screened.

14.   Each building is a large U shape with proportions similar to the alphabet character, two long legs and a short end that connects the two.

15.   House Democrats connected the two, saying that Republicans were cutting Medicare and Medicaid so they could finance tax cuts for wealthy people and corporations.

16.   I believe the two are absolutely connected.

17.   Is there any way I can connect those two without an adapter?

18.   Johnson preached constantly that the two were connected.

19.   Language, on the other hand, embraces meaning, so we must be able to find words connecting the two.

20.   Moore continues to use horizontal curves, as in the bedroom, and vertical curves, as in the living room, without trying to connect the two.

v. + two >>共 782
hit 11.49%
have 4.98%
include 3.34%
kill 2.91%
arrest 2.47%
separate 2.02%
take 1.88%
walk 1.60%
win 1.47%
release 1.45%
connect 0.58%
connect + n. >>共 875
computer 3.16%
dot 2.82%
user 1.73%
people 1.47%
two 1.34%
customer 1.26%
city 1.17%
device 1.17%
cable 1.08%
incident 1.04%
每页显示:    共 31