11.   For Fowler, whose father is the subject of a congressional probe into national Democratic fund-raising practices, the controversy in Connecticut has touched a raw nerve.

12.   Given that Republicans have appropriated millions of dollars for congressional probes into the same matter, Meehan is aghast that the GOP has withdrawn funding for a nonpartisan investigation.

13.   He said reports last week of Chinese government involvement in Democratic fund-raising require a more exhaustive congressional probe.

14.   In a separate move, a lower house deputy called for a separate congressional probe into the contract and started to collect signatures from lawmakers to push it forward.

15.   In addition to congressional probes, investigations are under way by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Labor Department.

16.   In previous congressional probes into Clinton administration activities, lawmakers made wild charges on the basis of speculation and suspicion rather than hard facts.

17.   Investigators from the House Energy and Commerce Committee were in Houston on Thursday and Friday interviewing Enron officials in one of nine congressional probes of the company.

18.   Its impact on the pending congressional probe has been large, and it helps make the case for a deeper look later by an independent commission.

19.   Like McKinney, he said the episode revealed the need for a congressional probe into how much the administration knew.

20.   McKinney vowed to continue to express her opinions and reissued a call for a congressional probe.

a. + probe >>共 390
federal 6.07%
criminal 5.95%
internal 3.62%
congressional 3.31%
parliamentary 3.01%
separate 2.88%
independent 2.64%
ongoing 2.39%
judicial 2.02%
new 1.96%
congressional + n. >>共 468
leader 13.70%
approval 5.11%
committee 4.82%
hearing 4.33%
delegation 2.98%
district 2.72%
election 2.27%
candidate 2.22%
aide 2.19%
investigator 2.05%
probe 0.43%
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