11.   Pakistan wants a U.N. force to conduct patrols on both sides of the border, he said.

12.   Also, their forces are to conduct joint patrols in areas where they share authority.

13.   But Serb civilian vehicles traveled behind NATO troops as they cleared roads of snow and conducted regular patrols, NATO spokesman Maj. Herve Gourmelon said.

14.   But the replacement guards are restricted to the camps during their shifts and are not allowed to check weapons or conduct patrols.

15.   Ceku and his bodyguards were stopped while traveling near Kijevo in an area where Russian troops are conducting patrols in the German-controlled sector.

16.   Falintil has volunteered to work with the international force and even conduct joint patrols.

17.   He said soldiers were conducting foot patrols because of the lack of fuel, increasing the danger from land mines.

18.   Instead, said Pakistani special envoy Najmuddin Shaikh, an enhanced United Nations team should conduct the patrols.

19.   Israeli troops and PLO police gather at the junction to conduct joint patrols.

20.   Israeli police officers and armed Jewish settlers are conducting joint patrols in the occupied West Bank, police and settlers said Monday.

v. + patrol >>共 243
step_up 13.00%
increase 9.83%
ambush 6.00%
attack 3.92%
conduct 3.58%
begin 3.33%
beef_up 2.42%
intensify 2.25%
fly 2.08%
have 1.75%
conduct + n. >>共 390
test 8.60%
investigation 5.28%
study 5.02%
business 4.66%
research 4.00%
interview 3.79%
search 3.77%
survey 3.65%
trial 2.33%
experiment 2.18%
patrol 0.36%
每页显示:    共 43