11.   The next bulletin will be issued as conditions warrant.

12.   The tire maker said workers at the Akron research center would be recalled as business conditions warrant.

n. + warrant >>共 118
arrest 81.96%
extradition 1.74%
murder 1.42%
court 1.19%
witness 1.10%
development 0.69%
call 0.69%
misdemeanor 0.55%
traffic 0.55%
condition 0.55%
condition + n. >>共 138
change 6.22%
report 5.81%
set 4.98%
warrant 4.98%
rating 4.56%
precedent 4.15%
face 2.07%
anonymity 2.07%
clause 2.07%
problem 2.07%
每页显示:    共 12