11.   Except for the court, it is distressing how little of the discussion about campaign finance reform concerns the issue of liberty.

12.   GM had sought the arbitration, alleging that the walkouts were illegal because they concerned national issues such as plant investments.

13.   However, conservative Christians are somewhat less optimistic about the commitment of the Bush administration concerning other issues of interest to conservative Christians.

14.   Intense discussions concerning the issue may have shed some light on problems in the Middle East, perhaps even illuminated the dark alleys of ethnic and religious prejudice.

15.   Many concern sexual issues.

16.   Most states already have endorsed changes to the Constitution concerning these issues.

17.   No legislation has been introduced on the federal level concerning this issue.

18.   One reason Cumberland might have been replaced concerned issues of communication and tardiness.

19.   Some other provisions appear to be taken literally from the Ways and Means bill although they concern issues on which the leaders remain open to compromise.

20.   The burning questions often concern issues like live-in versus live-out babysitters.

v. + issue >>共 583
discuss 13.43%
raise 10.53%
address 7.69%
take 4.48%
resolve 4.12%
settle 2.67%
study 2.02%
debate 1.95%
tackle 1.59%
decide 1.57%
concern 0.17%
concern + n. >>共 1271
government 1.99%
investor 1.30%
group 1.02%
official 0.96%
issue 0.93%
administration 0.90%
people 0.87%
matter 0.81%
case 0.78%
sale 0.75%
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