11. Pericom makes the logic chips that manage how computer processors work with memory and add-on devices, or how whole computer systems interact with each other. 12. The Japanese have increasingly been forced to turn to U.S. chip makers for computer processors in recent years. 13. The IRAM chips would embed computer processors in vast seas of memory transistors. 14. The initials stand for non-uniform memory architecture, a faster way of linking computer processors to memory that was developed at Stanford University. 15. The next generation of computer processors could be grown in vats of chemicals and be millions of times faster. 16. The ride begins with a sprint through the neon maze of a computer processor. 17. To increase speed further, some programmers are building machines that use parallel processing, which links a series of computer processors together, significantly increasing their power. 18. Transistors have been constantly shinking in size, fueling the explosive growth in the speed and power of computer processors. 19. By stretching minute strands of silicon used in transistors, IBM researchers say they can make computer processors run about a third faster. 20. Driven by record sales of computer processors, chip maker Advanced Micro Devices Inc. on Wednesday posted a narrower-than-expected fourth-quarter loss. |