11.   Labour moderates win over four of the hard left by agreeing that the cuts shall involve as few compulsory redundancies as possible.

12.   The ballot came as a result of threats of compulsory redundancies.

13.   But first this lunchtime, unions and management at the Jetstream factory in Prestwick are on a collision course over compulsory redundancies.

14.   And there would be no more compulsory redundancies.

15.   Management say any compulsory redundancies will be announced later.

16.   And it says that compulsory redundancy will only be used as a last resort.

17.   But it warned its priority was the long-term future of the business and compulsory redundancies had not been ruled out.

18.   If there are not enough volunteers, the company has warned, compulsory redundancy notices will be issued.

19.   Hugh was at the Milton sit-in, where the workers won a fight to stop compulsory redundancies but lost the war.

20.   Compulsory redundancies have been rare.

a. + redundancy >>共 62
compulsory 20.00%
voluntary 18.29%
mass 9.71%
further 3.43%
large-scale 3.43%
statutory 3.43%
forced 2.29%
generous 2.29%
collective 1.71%
latest 1.71%
compulsory + n. >>共 237
service 9.15%
dance 7.35%
redundancy 5.25%
education 4.65%
license 2.70%
purchase 2.70%
exercise 1.95%
registration 1.95%
arbitration 1.35%
program 1.35%
每页显示:    共 35