11.   The takeover still requires approval by German competition regulators, who have already warned that the companies must do more to open the electricity networks to rivals.

12.   This will be sent to national competition regulators of European Union members.

13.   This is the first time the court has overturned a ruling by European competition regulators.

14.   Van Miert met Friday in Brussels with what is known as the merger task-force, which consists of competition regulators from each country in the European Union.

15.   European competition regulators had expressed concern that the enlarged company would have a dominant position in market and in the emerging area of online music distribution.

16.   European Union competition regulators gave the all-clear Monday to the purchase by Toyota Motor Corp. of a majority stake in its affiliate, Daihatsu Motor Corp.

17.   European competition regulators were concerned that the enlarged company would have a dominant position in market and in the emerging area of online music distribution.

18.   European Union competition regulators are shortly expected to deliver an provisional opinion on the deal, which also must be approved by the United States and Britain.

19.   European Union competition regulators on Monday cleared the purchase by Toyota Motor Corp. of a majority stake in its affiliate, Daihatsu Motor Corp.

20.   European Union competition regulators treat companies providing Internet telephony services in the same way as traditional phone providers.

n. + regulator >>共 150
government 22.03%
security 20.59%
bank 8.52%
industry 6.13%
market 4.41%
safety 2.87%
competition 2.30%
energy 2.11%
air 1.25%
telecommunication 1.25%
competition + n. >>共 311
rule 8.75%
authority 8.20%
policy 7.47%
law 5.10%
committee 4.47%
venue 2.46%
site 2.37%
regulator 2.19%
heat 2.10%
increase 1.91%
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