11.   As insurance companies respond to widespread complaints by partially relaxing their cost controls, overall health care costs are rising.

12.   Asked why NEC would risk chilling its relationship with NTT, an NEC spokesman said the company was merely responding to customer demands.

13.   Being based in L.A. lets companies respond to minute variations in style with a speed that would be much harder if they moved production to Mexico.

14.   Before the warning letter was sent, the company responded to problems found during an FDA inspection and has since met with the local district office.

15.   A Ford of Canada spokesman, Joe Arnone, said the company was merely responding to customer demands that Ford represent itself under one banner in the marketplace.

16.   A spokeswoman for Club Med had no comment when asked about it, although she said the company will respond later.

17.   A spokeswoman for TCI said the company would not respond to pending legal action.

18.   About one-quarter of them will be changed each year so the company can quickly respond to the transient interests of teens.

19.   After the company did not respond to his demands, he said, he began placing the credit-card files on a Web site on Christmas Day.

20.   Agrichemical companies have responded by developing new generations of products that break down more quickly and are more precisely targeted to kill particular weeds or insects.

n. + respond >>共 1110
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say 10.43%
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offer 1.13%
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