11.   Drug companies are counting on biotech to fill in the gaps in product development pipelines.

12.   In addition, the company need not count workers who were hired in the previous six months.

13.   Is there any law requiring the company to count my time off on maternity leave toward vesting?

14.   Long-distance companies had been counting on the House, rather than the Senate, to protect their interests.

15.   Levin has sponsored legislation that would require companies to count options as an expense on their income statements.

16.   Many companies have been counting on President Clinton to sign a waiver that would prevent Cuban-Americans from filing such lawsuits.

17.   Many companies had counted on the payments to turn a profit this year.

18.   Now the company is counting on the new dBase to reinvigorate its bottom line.

19.   Now, with economic shockwaves rippling across Russia, companies are counting more than ever on barter to survive.

20.   Of course, all these companies are counting on that moratorium being extended indefinitely.

n. + count >>共 861
vote 4.03%
official 3.11%
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government 2.29%
investor 1.88%
game 1.60%
people 1.24%
score 1.01%
board 1.01%
worker 0.87%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
use 1.16%
offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
try 0.97%
count 0.04%
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