11.   Casting aside a barrage of bipartisan concern about human rights abuses in China, the House voted Tuesday to maintain favored trading status for the Communist nation.

12.   Clinton signed into law legislation seeking to punish foreign companies doing business with Cuba after the Communist nation shot down two unarmed U.S. civilian airplanes in international airspace.

13.   During that period, democratization was more extensive in Czechoslovakia than in any other communist nation.

14.   Each year since, the United States has renewed MFN for China, amid stormy debates over whether the communist nation deserves the privilege.

15.   For years, American Olympians were competing and often losing against Communist nations with centralized, government-funded sports programs.

16.   Former communist nations rep- resent a striking exception to the general rule of generally better L health and lower mortality.

17.   Former communist nations represent a striking exception to the general rule of generally better health and lower mortality.

18.   Having South Korea play a central role in building the reactors would also expose the impoverished and authoritarian Communist nation to unwelcome influence from the wealthy and capitalist South.

19.   He portrays the tiny communist nation as so isolated that it is devoid of all perspective, a situation ripe for both comedy and tragedy.

20.   However, that would contradict many other indications from the secretive Communist nation that the younger Kim was moving quickly to assume the leadership and had received wide support.

a. + nation >>共 477
the 5.53%
african 5.16%
developing 4.40%
european 4.33%
western 3.70%
asian 3.57%
arab 3.14%
industrialized 2.61%
caribbean 2.23%
southeast_asian 2.05%
communist 1.00%
communist + n. >>共 778
country 8.68%
leader 7.56%
government 6.46%
regime 4.78%
state 4.55%
rule 4.55%
party 4.32%
rebel 2.74%
nation 2.30%
guerrilla 1.75%
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