11.   Showers and embedded thunderstorms will be common near the Appalachians as humid air is drawn north.

12.   Showers will be common near west-facing slopes in Montana and Wyoming.

13.   Snow showers will also be common near the northern and central Appalachians, particularly along west-facing slopes.

14.   Snow showers and flurries will also be common near the eastern shores of the Great Lakes.

15.   Snow showers will be common especially near the shores of the western Great Lakes where some slushy accumulations will occur.

16.   Snow showers will be common near the Great Lakes as cold air gathers moisture from the milder waters.

17.   Showery valley rain and mountain snow will be common near the leading edge of the cooler air as it spreads into the interior Northwest.

18.   Snow showers and squalls will be common near the eastern and southern shores of the Great Lakes.

19.   Strong storms are common near the equinoxes because tempests derive energy from contrasting air masses.

20.   Strong storms are common near the equinoxes since tempests derive their energy from contrasting air masses.

a. + near >>共 234
located 20.30%
dead 5.58%
higher 4.57%
born 4.19%
possible 3.43%
common 2.92%
gusty 2.66%
likely 2.54%
concentrated 1.65%
so 1.40%
common + p. >>共 46
in 49.44%
among 9.08%
to 8.65%
as 6.19%
for 4.03%
on 3.23%
than 3.20%
at 2.80%
throughout 2.30%
during 1.66%
near 0.61%
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