11.   However, the Mexican Navy has steadfastly disallowed any fishing near the islands until the committee completes the management plan.

12.   If the committee later completes an impeachment inquiry that recommends impeachment, the full House then would vote on whether to impeach.

13.   In January, after three months of investigation, the committee completed a secret manuscript.

14.   In other tobacco action Tuesday, the House Regulated Services committee completed a draft of its plan to crack down on teenage smokers by suspending their driver licenses.

15.   Ordinarily, the counsel would issue a report after the committee completes all of its work, including hearings.

16.   Rep. Henry Hyde, the committee chairman, said that despite the new tack he still hoped his committee could complete its inquiry this month.

17.   That allegation surfaced after the committee had completed its investigation.

18.   The committees completed their work last week, and their separate versions of the tax legislation are scheduled to be debated on the House and Senate floors this week.

19.   The committee has completed its work but is still consulting with the administration over how much of its final report can be made public.

20.   The committee will complete welfare reform hearings on Monday, and the Republicans have pledged to vote on a welfare reform bill by Easter.

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