11.   But combating international terrorism effectively requires sustaining a wide network of cooperating countries.

12.   But lawmakers at the hearing drew a distinction between combating terrorism and infiltrating militias or other paramilitary groups that might pose a vague threat.

13.   But we can be positive that our present regulations and attitudes are not sufficient to do the job of combating terrorism.

14.   Canadian officials, meanwhile, urged world leaders to share more intelligence information to combat terrorism.

15.   Clinton administration officials have said some kind of encryption controls are needed to combat international terrorism.

16.   Experts said the verdict and these future trials represent small but positive steps toward combating terrorism.

17.   He has drawn support from foreign policy experts who have argued that that the Iraqi threat is not as urgent as combating terrorism.

18.   He was not fully satisfied with one line drafted by Rahm Emanuel, a senior aide, declaring what it would take to combat terrorism.

19.   He was responsible for combating domestic terrorism, national-security threats, civil-rights violations and white-collar crimes.

20.   How well the United States combats terrorism is only one test.

v. + terrorism >>共 265
fight 22.75%
support 13.51%
sponsor 7.32%
combat 6.53%
condemn 3.32%
counter 2.10%
renounce 1.95%
prevent 1.80%
stop 1.74%
denounce 1.65%
combat + n. >>共 500
terrorism 10.06%
problem 6.21%
crime 5.45%
disease 3.53%
drug 2.54%
violence 2.40%
corruption 2.12%
poverty 1.74%
spread 1.60%
abuse 1.46%
每页显示:    共 213