11.   The air is so black with diesel fumes and coal dust, I can barely see.

12.   Matthew scrubbed the coal dust from his face.

13.   The miners had streaks of coal dust on their faces.

14.   After forty years underground, Len is a tragic result of old style mining in conditions thick with coal dust.

15.   Organic compounds including a number of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are also present in coal dust.

16.   Mutagenesis experiments with coal dust using the Ames salmonella assay have found extracts of American coal dust to be mutagenic.

17.   Other hypotheses relate to the potentially carcinogenic effects of coal dust alone, or after conversion of aromatic coal derivatives to mutagenic nitroso-compounds in the stomach.

18.   A group of woman so poor they are forced to scavenge coal dust from the sea are looking to Oxfam to help them to create a better life.

19.   For some of the women, selling the coal dust provides their only income to feed their families.

20.   Further down the beach, women and children are trolling the same waters with nets collecting coal dust to try to earn enough money to feed their children.

n. + dust >>共 125
coal 15.38%
fairy 6.51%
pixie 5.03%
chalk 4.14%
plaster 3.85%
cement 3.55%
grain 3.25%
uranium 2.96%
construction 2.07%
house 2.07%
coal + n. >>共 272
mine 20.90%
miner 15.37%
industry 8.58%
company 4.31%
mining 3.37%
dust 2.44%
price 1.78%
plant 1.64%
producer 1.31%
region 1.22%
每页显示:    共 52