11.   The former Cassius Clay scrunched up his face at the former Gloria Brady and clucked his tongue as he threw three short upper-cuts.

12.   We cut back to Povich, who clucks his tongue and introduces the debutante in question.

13.   When Susan A. Christie teaches state employees about the new federal welfare law, she clucks her tongue and moves her hand to imitate the action of a metronome.

v. + tongue >>共 161
bite 19.43%
hold 14.07%
stick_out 5.86%
click 3.52%
have 2.85%
swallow 2.35%
cluck 2.18%
pierce 2.01%
find 2.01%
loosen 1.68%
cluck + n. >>共 6
tongue 68.42%
disapproval 10.53%
approval 5.26%
man 5.26%
naysayer 5.26%
way 5.26%
每页显示:    共 13