11.   Chatichai had nevertheless made every effort to maintain traditional close relations with China, the principle patron of the Cambodian resistance.

12.   Thailand maintained close relations with neighbouring Myanma despite widespread international disapproval of the failure of the ruling junta in Myanma to transfer power to elected civilians.

13.   The department maintains close relations with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem.

14.   The Faculty has close relations with several professional performing bodies, in particular the Scottish Chamber Orchestra.

15.   But the comma confusingly hides the close grammatical relation between implication that and the sentence which follows.

16.   Churchill was not properly representative of influential opinion in Britain on the subject of close Anglo-American relations.

17.   He was, however, a pragmatist and a realist who favoured close relations with the United States.

18.   Throughout the book the first two levels of analysis are discussed in close relation to the study of theme and characterisation in fiction.

19.   The Franc fort policy, then, means continuing to cultivate close relations with Germany.

20.   Ambroveneto is considered the most likely contender because the two banks have complementary businesses, and executives of the banks have close relations.

a. + relation >>共 839
bilateral 10.02%
good 9.77%
economic 5.33%
close 3.13%
better 2.92%
improved 2.64%
foreign 2.55%
strained 2.49%
friendly 2.15%
normal 2.15%
close + n. >>共 428
friend 12.66%
tie 9.12%
range 5.31%
ally 4.09%
relationship 3.68%
attention 2.96%
race 2.72%
associate 2.62%
contact 2.55%
aide 2.34%
relation 1.71%
每页显示:    共 264