11.   Themes included the Old and New Testaments, classical mythology, heraldry, planetary movements and chivalry.

12.   When a new moon is discovered revolving around Jupiter, for example, it must be named for one of the lovers of the god Jupiter in classical mythology.

a. + mythology >>共 97
greek 29.89%
hindu 6.05%
classical 4.27%
popular 4.27%
american 3.56%
ancient 3.20%
norse 2.85%
national 2.14%
chinese 1.78%
egyptian 1.42%
classical + n. >>共 573
music 31.38%
style 2.56%
ballet 2.49%
musician 2.13%
dance 1.89%
composer 1.43%
form 1.13%
technique 1.13%
tradition 1.10%
concert 1.06%
mythology 0.40%
每页显示:    共 12