11.   Under this arrangement, Harvard computed a class rank for each student based on grades, then sent the data to the student to forward to the draft board.

12.   We consider grades and class rank.

n. + rank >>共 219
college 8.24%
rebel 8.24%
management 7.39%
police 5.04%
opposition 3.87%
army 3.19%
government 2.35%
second 2.18%
class 2.02%
officer 2.02%
class + n. >>共 613
size 10.53%
member 4.30%
warfare 2.98%
president 2.71%
system 1.97%
difference 1.97%
clown 1.97%
reunion 1.86%
time 1.78%
division 1.66%
rank 0.46%
每页显示:    共 12