11.   Some who use then are clarifying rules to avoid such a dispute if they ever hit it big.

12.   The court, in an opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas, did try to clarify rules for when patent-infringement damages may be proper for non-identical products.

13.   The IRS also issued a final regulation that clarifies tax rules for companies that band together to trade securities to manage their exposure to interest rate and currency risk.

14.   Wurzel said the bus companies were negotiating with the MTA, his agency and city traffic officials to clarify bus stop rules.

15.   Gov. Christie Whitman signed into law Monday a measure that creates a new traffic offense and clarifies the rules that allow municipal prosecutors to accept plea bargain deals.

16.   Hash said the program would clarify rules for when physician practices may be treated as integrated with a hospital and seek legislation to punish attempts to evade them.

17.   It also calls for exploring ways to clarify WTO rules on environmental safeguards.

18.   Rivals and the regulators want the court to clarify the rules or reconcile conflicting lower court interpretations of them.

19.   She also refused to confirm that some ATV shareholders had approached the broadcasting authority to clarify rules governing changes in ownership.

20.   The agreement clarified rules on when and how poor countries facing public health crises can override patents to get cheaper access to expensive Western drugs.

v. + rule >>共 485
violate 6.52%
change 6.11%
break 5.22%
follow 3.58%
have 3.22%
enforce 3.08%
set 2.42%
impose 1.90%
establish 1.81%
tighten 1.71%
clarify 0.21%
clarify + n. >>共 287
position 8.54%
issue 6.27%
situation 5.04%
matter 4.23%
law 3.50%
point 2.85%
remark 2.77%
role 2.28%
rule 1.87%
report 1.79%
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