11.   Others cite the failure of clubs that emphasize original music - Stella Blue in Miami Beach just closed last week - and the lack of support from local radio.

12.   The underground thrives there because Canada bars its citizens from subscribing to U.S. services, citing their failure to carry sufficient Canadian programming.

13.   The unions representing the technicians and the controllers also cite major failures at air traffic control offices in Miami, Los Angeles, San Juan and elsewhere.

14.   Though the report cites failures by the Indonesian Government, it acknowledges a misjudgment over how the Indonesian public would react to bank closings.

15.   Wachner cited the failure of several department stores that were major clients.

16.   While liberals are fond of citing market failure as justification for regulatory intrusions, they never address the problem of government failure.

17.   Citing a failure to reach agreement in a dispute involving the copying of American computer programs, movies and music, officials called a news conference for Saturday.

18.   Constantinescu did not run Sunday, citing his failure to curb corruption.

19.   He had then cited failure to carry out his duties as the reason for his decision to resign.

20.   He cited failure of the government to keep fruit prices from falling steeply.

v. + failure >>共 339
follow 7.34%
blame 6.16%
cause 5.31%
suffer 3.87%
include 3.41%
have 3.02%
cite 2.43%
admit 1.70%
experience 1.70%
risk 1.51%
cite + n. >>共 847
source 7.09%
concern 5.33%
reason 4.59%
example 2.52%
lack 2.37%
case 2.27%
report 2.20%
problem 1.67%
official 1.45%
need 1.44%
failure 0.32%
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