11.   FAA Administrator Jane Garvey now says her eventual goal is for all checked bags to be screened.

12.   FAA officials decline to say how many checked bags are scanned for explosives.

13.   House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., said he will ask Mineta to use National Guard troops stationed at airports to help screen checked bags.

14.   It makes airport security a federal responsibility and requires that all checked bags be screened for explosives by early next year.

15.   Most checked bags are not X-rayed.

16.   Some want to recommend full bag matching, and others are skeptical that bombs in checked bags are much of a threat to domestic aviation.

17.   That means that if the airline loads a checked bag, it must make sure the passenger who checked it is actually on board.

18.   That may still be too slow, though, if the U.S. government decides to adopt a policy of screening all checked bags.

19.   The airlines oppose universal matching of checked bags with the passengers who actually board flights, arguing it would be costly but provide no protection against suicide bombers.

20.   The commission stopped short of proposing that every checked bag be matched with a passenger.

a. + bag >>共 615
plastic 39.31%
small 4.28%
large 3.13%
black 2.79%
full 2.15%
heavy 2.00%
big 1.36%
brown 1.10%
sand 1.08%
checked 1.05%
checked + n. >>共 70
baggage 21.33%
luggage 17.83%
bag 14.34%
shirt 6.64%
suit 3.15%
swing 2.80%
jacket 2.45%
scarf 1.75%
case 1.40%
cloth 1.05%
每页显示:    共 41