11.   The Japanese have been superseded by Paul Vranken, the Rheims champagne maker which for many years has bottled and distributed a champagne under the Lucas Carton label.

12.   Wilde also referred to Perrier-Jouet in the play without so much as a prompt by the champagne maker.

13.   LVMH owns a wide array of luxury brands including Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Givenchy and champagne maker Veuve Cliquot.

a. + maker >>共 426
leading 8.93%
wine 5.47%
largest 5.14%
chemical 4.91%
japanese 4.26%
game 3.60%
major 2.81%
biggest 2.25%
automobile 1.82%
big 1.73%
champagne 0.61%
champagne + n. >>共 160
bottle 13.49%
cork 11.01%
glass 10.08%
toast 5.12%
flute 4.96%
celebration 3.26%
shower 2.64%
region 2.64%
reception 2.02%
maker 2.02%
每页显示:    共 13