11.   But they have not reached a consensus on what to do with the trade center site.

12.   Cuomo repeatedly criticized the slow pace of planning rebuilding at the trade center site, suggesting that it would have moved more briskly were Giuliani still on the scene.

13.   Despite assurances from the city, Toscano remains wary about exposure to asbestos from the trade center site.

14.   For months, firefighters had suspected many of their colleagues might be buried in this southern section of the trade center site.

15.   He had intended to visit the trade center site and lecture on Buddhism as part of a tour of Europe, Canada and the United States.

16.   He said he favored building a terminal that would link a rebuilt PATH station at the trade center site with existing subway lines to the east.

17.   McCall said the redevelopment effort should try to bury part of West Street so Battery Park City is linked to the trade center site.

18.   Most parties agree that the design of a memorial will drive all other decisions about what to do with the trade center site.

19.   Rescue efforts are continuing at the trade center site and the Wall Street area remains a scene of physical wreckage and the highest levels of security control.

20.   Sleeping Lady is actually a mountain that overlooks the conference center site.

n. + site >>共 646
crash 10.42%
construction 7.97%
test 3.03%
weapon 2.80%
storage 2.54%
tourist 2.14%
auction 2.12%
missile 1.44%
accident 1.39%
bomb 1.31%
center 0.47%
center + n. >>共 490
stage 26.55%
court 7.69%
ice 5.32%
console 3.38%
position 2.40%
official 2.33%
line 2.12%
site 1.77%
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aisle 1.57%
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