11.   The map was released last week by the tourist authority and the British Academy of Film and Television Arts to celebrate the centenary of British cinema.

12.   There were echoes of the repression nine years ago when the school celebrated its centenary earlier this year.

13.   Yet the pressures on it are apparent as it arrives at Carnegie Hall on Monday evening to celebrate its centenary.

14.   A group of New Zealanders in Antarctica on Friday celebrated the centenary of the first midwinter stopover on the frozen continent by British explorer Robert Falcon Scott.

15.   Gabor said Filipinos living abroad also were encouraged to visit their homeland especially this year, when the Philippines celebrates its centenary of independence from Spain.

16.   He got support late Wednesday from UEFA vice president and Spanish Football Association president Angel Maria Villar Llona at a lunch celebrating the centenary of Real Madrid.

17.   In two years, FIFA will celebrate its centenary.

18.   The Davis Cup is celebrating its centenary in contrasting ways.

19.   To celebrate the centenary of the birth of motion pictures, several documentaries look at filmmaking itself.

20.   He was allowed to go to Pravetz at the request of its cultural centre which is celebrating its centenary.

v. + centenary >>共 5
celebrate 50.00%
mark 33.33%
commemorate 12.96%
have 1.85%
surround 1.85%
celebrate + n. >>共 836
victory 7.81%
birthday 5.00%
end 3.71%
anniversary 2.74%
holiday 2.27%
life 1.95%
return 1.73%
birth 1.42%
festival 1.38%
success 1.29%
centenary 0.85%
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