11.   But the Griswold case demonstrated that proponents of legal change sometimes must risk their very liberty to force a constitutional resolution.

12.   Davie has claimed he did nothing wrong, but the case demonstrates the target he has become by virtue of his position.

13.   Garcetti dismisses the notion that the unprecedented personnel assigned to this case demonstrates his concern for the political consequences of another loss of a high-profile case.

14.   Her case has demonstrated the weakness of the labor protections written into NAFTA.

15.   His case demonstrates new weaknesses in the judicial system.

16.   In a sense, the unfolding Dreyer case demonstrates how the system for catching scientific misconduct is supposed to work.

17.   In fact, officials with the FBI in Chicago said the Kirschenbaum case demonstrates how easily people can maneuver within the Medicare system to commit multimillion-dollar frauds.

18.   In many ways, the Daiwa case has demonstrated the differing temperaments of American and Japanese banking executives and regulators.

19.   One Supreme Court case demonstrates just how hard perjury is to prove.

20.   Others argue that some on death row are innocent, as the Illinois cases demonstrate.

n. + demonstrate >>共 788
thousand 4.06%
student 3.26%
people 3.04%
study 2.47%
hundred 2.12%
case 1.94%
protester 1.76%
group 1.46%
company 1.24%
activist 1.19%
case + v. >>共 490
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go 4.97%
involve 3.89%
have 2.70%
pend 2.09%
come 2.05%
raise 1.18%
remain 1.14%
become 1.13%
take 1.02%
demonstrate 0.29%
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