11.   I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospects.

12.   Being a student today with miserly grants and limited career prospects is difficult.

13.   This would have the two-fold effect of lowering pupil achievement as well as adversely affecting staff career prospects.

14.   However it is expected that it will also be attractive to people currently employed in the industry who require formal qualifications and desire to enhance their career prospects.

15.   Nevertheless, experience in a training unit does open up a wide range of career prospects, both in and out of the Services.

16.   They can then seek advice on courses, career prospects, etc, from staff of the different departments.

17.   Career prospects for physiology graduates are good.

18.   Good career prospects exist in agriculture, animal science, crop science, forestry and economics.

19.   Career prospects in industry and commerce, both here and abroad, are excellent due to the significant growth of interest in knowledge-based systems.

20.   As the anticipated crisis fades from memory, we might also expect managers to show less concern for improving the career prospects and conditions of work of nurses.

n. + prospect >>共 269
growth 14.29%
earnings 10.69%
job 9.04%
peace 4.81%
business 4.68%
employment 3.48%
career 3.23%
export 2.09%
investment 2.02%
profit 2.02%
career + n. >>共 772
path 4.13%
diplomat 4.02%
victory 3.56%
start 3.50%
choice 2.72%
move 2.64%
title 2.32%
officer 2.11%
change 2.03%
opportunity 1.99%
prospect 1.00%
每页显示:    共 51