11.   Women who receive the hormone replacement drug for menopause symptoms and like it could well stay on it for its osteoporosis and cardiovascular benefits.

12.   Mounting evidence about the cardiovascular benefits of fish led the American Heart Association to include two servings of fish a week in its updated dietary recommendations last fall.

a. + benefit >>共 1005
economic 5.59%
potential 3.15%
social 3.13%
medical 3.03%
financial 2.13%
federal 1.77%
same 1.76%
full 1.72%
long-term 1.63%
new 1.48%
cardiovascular 0.17%
cardiovascular + n. >>共 106
disease 32.30%
system 7.77%
problem 6.22%
exercise 3.28%
fitness 2.94%
health 2.94%
workout 2.25%
benefit 2.07%
surgery 1.90%
risk 1.55%
每页显示:    共 12