11.   After deputies dismissed Franchuk, Deputy Prime Minister Arcady Demityenko told parliament the cabinet was resigning.

12.   Beleagured Costa Rican President Jose Maria Figueres, his popularity plummeting in the polls, said Monday he had called for his entire cabinet to resign.

13.   Deputy prime minister Arcady Demityenko went before lawmakers following their decision to oust Franchuk and said the entire cabinet was resigning.

14.   Earlier Thursday, the outgoing coalition cabinet resigned en masse ahead of the parliamentary vote.

15.   Earlier Thursday, the outgoing LDP-led coalition cabinet resigned en masse.

16.   The South Korean cabinet resigned on Wednesday to pave the way for a sweeping clearout of a government tainted by an explosive loans scandal.

17.   The Taiwan cabinet normally resigns en masse before the inauguration of a new parliament.

18.   Under the constitution, the cabinet must resign before the formation of the next parliament.

19.   Lee said President Kim Young-Sam should apologize to the nation and his whole cabinet should resign over the collapse of the Sampoong department store last Thursday.

20.   President Fernando de la Rua declared a state of emergency and his cabinet resigned after austerity measures meant to avoid a debt default touched off the protests.

n. + resign >>共 281
minister 11.77%
government 10.54%
member 6.93%
president 6.06%
official 5.49%
executive 3.68%
director 2.67%
cabinet 1.66%
manager 1.66%
officer 1.52%
cabinet + v. >>共 221
be 13.91%
approve 10.56%
decide 5.96%
meet 4.81%
have 4.50%
hold 2.51%
resign 2.41%
say 2.30%
include 2.20%
discuss 1.88%
每页显示:    共 23