11.   Buyer said he would continue to pursue the change.

12.   Buyers say prices for styrene and propylene, other commonly used chemicals, also are starting to fall.

13.   Buyer has said he did not forward the voter contact information to anyone.

14.   Buyer said that although she still expects more growth from the sector, the expectations for both earnings and industry growth have gotten too high.

15.   Buyers said that auction failed because the government repealed a tax exemption on T-bill profits.

16.   Buyers say they are also attracted by the opportunity to establish more traditional neighborhood relationships than they can develop in conventional and sprawling large-lot subdivisions.

17.   Buyer said with a laugh.

18.   Cooler weather this week should spur weight gains in the hogs and increase the supply of animals for slaughter, buyers said.

19.   Defendants also included companies the kiosk buyers say were set up to carry out the sales and their backers New Orleans retailer Raed Halum was among those who sued.

20.   Heat delayed some shipments last week and kept hog weights low, buyers said.

n. + say >>共 480
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authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
buyer 0.01%
buyer + v. >>共 589
be 20.73%
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