11.   William Burrus, president of the American Postal Workers Union, said the service could improve its financial condition by shifting discounts to consumers instead of bulk mailers.

12.   Recently, it sent out an advisory suggesting that bulk mailers delay mailings to businesses because of potential logjams in company mailrooms.

n. + mailer >>共 7
bulk 36.36%
junk 27.27%
campaign 15.15%
business 12.12%
anthrax 3.03%
sample 3.03%
sendmail 3.03%
bulk + n. >>共 180
carrier 7.77%
sale 4.38%
purchase 3.78%
mail 3.19%
discount 2.99%
mailer 2.39%
order 2.39%
commodity 2.19%
chemical 1.99%
quantity 1.99%
每页显示:    共 12