11.   So that concerns me Chairman and I hope that issue can be addressed by the director in, in some way before the home is built.

12.   An American millionaire who gave away his fortune and founded a Christian housing organisation has announced plans to build homes in Britain.

13.   Too many homes are being built in the countryside, according to conservationists.

14.   Community leaders decided to build homes for rent to help young people brought up in the village stay in the area.

15.   Government policy effectively prevents councils from building more homes for rent.

16.   A controversial attempt to have part of Carnmoney Hill re-zoned to allow homes to be built has provoked a storm of protest from local people.

17.   But after the initial training is complete, there is a question mark over whether they could still receive benefits while building the homes.

18.   Plans to build six homes on land at Hallgarth Farm, Pittington, have been refused by Durham City councillors.

19.   A scheme to build homes on the site of Whitby Seafood factory in Larpool Lane, Whitby, has been submitted to Scarborough Council.

20.   In a separate housing initiative in the north-east, plans were revealed for housing co-operatives in Grampian to build homes for rent for the first time.

v. + home >>共 422
leave 7.16%
flee 6.27%
have 4.81%
build 4.00%
buy 3.68%
find 3.46%
destroy 3.17%
lose 2.71%
own 2.70%
sell 2.27%
build + n. >>共 855
house 3.56%
plant 2.64%
home 2.24%
support 1.45%
bridge 1.41%
stadium 1.41%
case 1.36%
reputation 1.36%
road 1.35%
team 1.14%
每页显示:    共 447