11.   Turkey set up a strict currency management system, imposed budgetary discipline and moved to sell some state assets.

12.   Bonn insists on strict budgetary discipline, but France prefers some political leeway to influence such sensitive factors as unemployment and inflation.

13.   How to ensure that once a country has joined the single currency zone, it will remain loyal to budgetary discipline a la Germany?

14.   Lack of budgetary discipline in Europe was also to blame, he conceded.

15.   Talk of strict budgetary discipline incenses Italy, Spain and others already struggling to meet the low inflation, deficit and debt targets required to join the euro.

16.   This agreement would bind participating countries to exremely rigorous budgetary discipline.

17.   Yeltsin accused the government of poor budgetary discipline and said Finance Minister Vladimir Panskov was personally guilty of delaying salary payments.

18.   Outgoing European Parliament President Klaus Hansch expressed optimism Friday that European Union leaders meeting here would agree on a plan to enforce budgetary discipline under a single currency.

19.   Russia needs tight budgetary discipline to ensure economic stability and allow the development of a market economy, Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin told regional heads of government Friday.

20.   The government might be tempted to appease its MPs by easing budgetary discipline, which would depress sterling in the long run, he said.

a. + discipline >>共 480
fiscal 11.74%
party 4.74%
military 3.97%
strict 3.91%
financial 3.74%
academic 2.14%
new 2.14%
the 1.72%
same 1.42%
different 1.42%
budgetary 1.19%
budgetary + n. >>共 257
constraint 5.76%
policy 4.32%
problem 3.89%
reason 3.31%
discipline 2.88%
pressure 2.74%
control 2.45%
process 2.31%
restraint 2.02%
allocation 1.59%
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