11.   He called on the United States to play a more effective role in bringing peace to the region.

12.   Only the achievement of these goals will bring lasting peace.

13.   ...his herculean efforts to bring peace to our troubled island.

14.   Can anything bring peace to this troubled region?

15.   Foreign Affairs Minister Michael Somare was reported as saying that he was confident the agreement would bring lasting peace to Bougainville.

16.   A diplomat who helped to bring peace between two belligerent states by mediating between them might be particularly well rewarded.

17.   Bringing peace to the troubled city of Washington.

18.   But the meditators maintain they have scientific proof that it does work and they can bring peace to a troubled world.

19.   And we see in this account, this incident in the life of Jesus, that Jesus is able to bring peace.

20.   Into your life, into my life, he is able to bring peace.

v. + peace >>共 405
make 14.92%
bring 9.98%
keep 7.63%
want 4.21%
achieve 3.96%
restore 3.91%
promote 2.49%
negotiate 2.41%
find 2.37%
talk 2.35%
bring + n. >>共 1355
charge 3.21%
peace 2.08%
case 1.40%
people 1.25%
change 1.05%
end 1.00%
child 0.85%
suit 0.71%
rain 0.70%
food 0.67%
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