11.   The fall broke his arm.

12.   One day while doing physical therapy, he fell to the floor and broke his arm.

13.   His arm was broken in a number of places.

14.   Planning to sue... the man who says bailiffs broke his arm in three places.

15.   But he fell asleep, and he stood on a chair, fell off and broke his arm.

16.   A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy broke his arm at a council park when he tripped over a vandalised safety surface.

17.   The midfield player broke an arm during the midweek draw with Arsenal and will be in plaster for six weeks.

18.   And when the Giants clinched their division he took another shot in the giddiness of a free-for-all, breaking his arm again.

19.   Bartrum broke his arm when a Viking hit him with a helmet.

20.   Before breaking his arm after the fourth game last year, Bartrum snapped on punts.

v. + arm >>共 695
raise 6.58%
take 6.43%
put 5.36%
wave 4.03%
have 2.36%
bear 2.14%
break 2.07%
sell 1.96%
wrap 1.93%
throw 1.75%
break + n. >>共 537
law 7.95%
rule 4.12%
deadlock 3.95%
ground 3.59%
record 3.58%
window 3.38%
leg 3.01%
rank 2.55%
tie 2.40%
bone 2.17%
arm 1.02%
每页显示:    共 142