11.   The boy has also confessed to four previous assaults on young girls.

12.   The boy had confessed to the killings after giving himself up in the early hours of Monday.

13.   The boy confessed to the killings of the six, all of Russian origin, after raising the alarm in the early hours Monday.

14.   The boy allegedly confessed to the police and the court that he killed the woman in anger, the report said.

15.   The boy confessed to the killings of the six, all of Russian origin, after raising the alarm in the early hours on Monday.

n. + confess >>共 220
man 13.10%
suspect 7.99%
member 2.88%
defendant 2.72%
boy 2.40%
woman 2.40%
three 2.40%
people 1.92%
nurse 1.76%
two 1.60%
boy + v. >>共 1095
be 18.06%
have 4.09%
die 2.36%
say 2.22%
go 1.80%
tell 1.50%
play 1.41%
come 1.21%
do 1.17%
take 1.10%
confess 0.20%
每页显示:    共 15